
eCommerce website best practices

eCommerce website best practices

In today’s digital market, having a good ecommerce website is crucial for attracting customers, generating leads, and encouraging conversions. Your website is a virtual store, so it is necessary to present it appealingly. 

Our eCommerce website design gave 10 tips and practices to get the most out of your e-commerce website. 

  1. Have a prominent search box
  2. Have an attractive website
  3. Show reviews
  4. Use professional images
  5. Add unique, well-written, and detailed product descriptions
  6. Add product videos
  7. Have a reliable customer support
  8. Eliminate steps in the checkout process
  9. Implement SEO strategies
  10. Use a premium web hosting service

1.  Have a prominent search box

Regardless of whether a user opens your website with a specific product in mind, having a prominent search box guides potential customers on where to look. It also encourages users to make a purchase because whatever they want is just a click away. While implementing a search box on your ecommerce website, make sure to tag every product on your store correctly so that they show up when customers search with keywords.

homepage screenshot of classic architectural group website

2.  Have an attractive eCommerce website

Your website is the face of your brand, so ensure that it looks good. Invest in a theme for your site and implement it on all pages. 62% of customers use their smartphones to shop; ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. 

Reduce clutter, especially on the homepage. A homepage with too many elements may be distracting and off-putting. Highlight your bestsellers, discount codes, and tagline on the homepage along with a search bar. Pay attention to the options on your menu – they should be simple and easy to navigate.  

3.  Show reviews

To stand out in a crowded market, show customers why they should choose your service. Display snippets of client testimonials and reviews on the homepage, and add a separate section or page for detailed client reviews. Add more credibility to your website by having a dedicated ‘About Us’ page with some background about your company and its people. If your firm has a physical address, add it with contact information. If you offer a money-back guarantee or free returns, feature this prominently on the homepage.

4.  Use professional images

Visual appeal is crucial when it comes to e-commerce websites. While selecting product images, opt for photos with neutral backgrounds so that they don’t distract from the main focus. Encourage customers to post photos of products that they buy, and feature them on the website- this increases credibility and entices potential clients to shop for your products.

homepage screenshot of personally picked website

5.  Add unique, well-written, and detailed product descriptions 

Add informative, detailed product descriptions for every item you sell. This gives buyers a realistic, comprehensive outline of what you sell and boosts your credibility. This also helps your website rank higher in search engine results. If you sell a niche item, you might also benefit from an FAQ page.

Your descriptions should be unique and follow a coherent writing style. Ensure that you add more information than what you receive from your manufacturer. If your product descriptions are just copied from the manufacturer, they may be found on other websites, which might reduce the value of your content in the eyes of search engines. Having unique and detailed descriptions that provide extra information to potential customers allows search engines to rank you higher. This can lead to more traffic and sales. 

6.  Add product videos 

Increase traffic to your website by adding useful resources like product videos. For one, videos can help showcase your products in a way that photos cannot. Videos allow customers to see your products in action and get a better sense of how they look, feel, and function. Professional videos will make your products stand out compared to the competition. For example, Mimi and Coco show videos of their handbags on their product page (along with ample photos), which is more likely to encourage customers to make a purchase. 

They can also help increase customer engagement and conversions. Invite customers to make videos about their experiences using your products. Not only is this a good way to engage with the community and show your audience how they can use your products, but this also adds knowledge and value to your brand. 

7.  Have a reliable customer support

Since a website is usually the first point of contact for customers, it is necessary to have a robust customer support team available during business hours. include a customer care line and email address on every page of the website. In addition, a live chat plugin might be useful to answer questions and respond to complaints. Chatbots are a popular option in case you do not have a dedicated customer support team available on call.  

8.  Eliminate steps in the checkout process

A 2022 evaluation of 48 studies showed that almost 70% of customers reach the checkout page but do not purchase the items on their cart. To reduce the chances of this happening to you, remove unnecessary steps in the checkout process. Do not ask for more information than necessary; you only need your customer’s email address, contact information, and address. Do not force people to create a profile to make a purchase. Give them the option of checking out as a guest, but gently encourage them to create a profile by offering a sign-up discount or freebies.  

9.  Implement SEO strategies

If your website has a blog page but it does not deliver in terms of traffic, it might be the case that there is a problem with SEO. Analyse keywords that clients search for, and organically insert them in your blog posts and product descriptions. Add a catchy meta description for your website, and customise URLs, especially for product pages.

10.  Use a premium web hosting service

Implementing all the changes above will not be worth it if you do not invest in a premium hosting service. While free hosting services are good if you’re just getting started, they lack the resources to keep up with web traffic. Daniel Florido from Pixelstorm remarks, “A premium web hosting service ensures that your site is live and functional, regardless of circumstances. They also have backups and failsafe measures to protect your site from hackers and incoming traffic. Think of them as website insurance!”

The Bottom Line

When it comes to designing an e-commerce website, simplicity is key. These 10 strategies will help you keep things clean, simple, and user-friendly. Want a consultation for your website with customised feedback and a plan of action? Get in touch with us today!
